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34th anniversary of the founding of the DP/ Berisha from Lezha: They wanted to leave us like Cuba, but the students and democrats thought differently

34th anniversary of the founding of the DP/ Berisha from Lezha: They wanted to

On the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Party in Lezha, Sali Berisha expressed enthusiasm and pride for the achievements of this party over the past three decades.

He emphasized that the establishment of the DP in Lezha was an act of courage, where the citizens of this city, in difficult conditions and under the terror of the regime, decided to commit themselves to freedom and democracy.

In his speech, Berisha mentioned that this was a historic moment, underlining that the Democratic Party was founded with ideals of freedom, human values, and national interest, after the period of isolation and tyranny under the communist regime of Enver Hoxha.

Berisha:  Good morning and warmest greetings, to you democrats and democrats of the Lezha district present in this hall, and to all others wherever you are, in Albania and abroad, happy 34th anniversary of the founding of the DP of the city of Lezha.
A warm greeting to the leaders of the branches of the DP, of Lezha, Mirdita, Kurbin, the honorable deputies of this district, friends and guests, members of the Brain Gain department, all of you.
Dear friends!
We gather today to commemorate a date on which the brave, idealistic people of Lezha in severe conditions of terror, undertook to establish in Lezha the Covenant, to sign a new covenant, a covenant with democracy, with the highest human values, with freedom, with human dignity, with the national interest.
34 years ago, in Lezha, the party of the noblest ideals of Albanians was founded, the ideals of freedom, the most achieved values ​​of man, family, homeland, faith in God. All of these in one way or another were excluded from the Stalinist regime of Enver Hoxha for half a century.
34 years ago, the truth is that history was divided, eras were divided, and we must say, Albanians who were indoctrinated, oppressed, had suffered more than any other nation from isolation, from the tyranny of poverty, decided to come out against this regime. In this context, each of you should be proud of that legacy. It was a major act of courage.
Only 3 months after the founding of the DP, I was in Paris at the Summit of the European Democratic Union. At that summit, the communiqué described Enver Hoxha as the Albanian Hitler of the post-war period, while the presence of Sali Berisha was the symbol of what Europe had achieved. Because if in other countries dictatorships fell one after another, the truth is that for Albania there were not a few who thought, let it remain like Cuba on the shores of the Adriatic, so that others, seeing it, a hungry country, would no longer dream of socialization in Europe.
But this was not the opinion of the students in Tirana, of the democrats of Lezha and of the whole of Albania.
34 years have passed, so of course we must make an observation of our heritage. If the other force has inherited crime, terrorism, genocide against Albanians, has inherited the restoration of the dictatorship of drugs, crime and theft, after 30 years on the path to freedom, the DP has inherited the transformation of Albania from a hypercollectivist country into a country of free citizens, of free initiative, of private property.
From the most isolated country to the open country, to friends all over the world, to a country that joined the Council of Europe, a country that moved towards the EU and joined NATO.
The DP has another excellent legacy. This legacy consists of the fact that for the first time in centuries, Albania emerged from the group of low-income countries to the group of upper-middle-income countries in 2008 and ended up in 2013 as the country with the best-paid citizens in the region. Better than even two EU member states, Bulgaria and Romania.


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