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Will I apologize to Duman?/ Meta ironizes: This is the head of SPAK, not the society invented by Berisha

Will I apologize to Duman?/ Meta ironizes: This is the head of SPAK, not the

The chairman of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, in a media conference, once again mocked the head of SPAK, Altin Dumani. 

Asked if he had reflected on the reactions of the internationals who called on him not to influence the work of SPAK, Meta answered ironically saying that he could apologize to Duman if his statements were made by some "soci" and the head of SPAK.

"This is Mr. Dumani. It remains that he is Mr. Dumani and not his sozia invented by Berisha to discredit him. We pass to torollaku (for Rama). Ilir Meta has typical strategic patience. Despite this strategic patience, in all his public engagement, it is clear and everything has warned about important issues, time has confirmed. Basha also lies about the clock, this has been proven worldwide. The burning of mandates is a service that Basha Rama has done, this is proven. I have told you that Basha, with full awareness, was caught by Rama and his Mcgonigals, to leave the municipalities, it is proven. It is a public fact that Meta, due to the public interest, postponed the elections and the date of the elections, which Meta then set, was set by Lulzim Basha himself, on October 10." , he said.

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