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Ditari i Opozitës

The appeal restored the stamp of the DP to Berisha, the MP leaves Basha: We don't need a divided opposition

The appeal restored the stamp of the DP to Berisha, the MP leaves Basha: We

Eralda Bano is the first deputy, who has left Lulzim Basha's grouping, to join the official DP led by Sali Berisha, after the latter received the seal and logo of the Democratic Party.

" Dear citizens,

The struggle with oneself is the most difficult struggle and the most sublime form of recovery, a struggle which is necessary and vital. This fight will have to strengthen us and turn us into the best model of ourselves.

Dear Democrats,

I would like to humbly express a deep gratitude to everyone who has supported me in these years!

I am grateful to my friends, colleagues, sympathizers and anyone who had the courage to criticize me. I am convinced that in difficult days the need to reflect on the future prevails over any ideology, belief or opinion.

I am aware that the best way to restore hope in every Albanian hearth is to have a formed, undivided and invincible opposition, as I am convinced that the internal debate must continue for the benefit of all.

My political decision is simple. I am, and will remain, a deputy of the Democratic Party of Albania" , writes the deputy. 

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