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Ditari i Opozitës

Berisha: Many of us are in emigration, our fight is to register each of them

Berisha: Many of us are in emigration, our fight is to register each of them

DP leader Sali Berisha says that most Albanians are abroad in emigration, due to Rama's mismanagement in almost 12 years in power.

According to Berisha, the DP's battle is to register each of them, so that on May 11, the political rotation can be signed.

"We will increase the average salary to 1,200 euros."

After this, we start racing to come out on top of the region in terms of salaries and pensions, to once again be the best paid people.

But how can a Montenegrin who does not have a tenth of the wealth of this country, Montenegro, have a pension 3 times higher than in Albania, 450 euros per pension. How can a Macedonian have a pension 280% higher than in Albania. What does Macedonia have, you tell me? Yes, Albania is the richest in the region, but Albania is the country where the government steals more than anywhere else in Europe and the world. So let's put an end to this.

They will tell you where these leks will be found. Very simple. There are 8 billion, the gentleman has left 800 million. We will divide it half and half, for construction and public works and I assure you that we will build much more than these. And the rest will be for the citizen, for his treatment, his salary, his care.

Why would they come out, you say. Now, you are political people. How much were the budgets in 2005-2013. We had half of these taxes. We are a party of low taxes, we left it to businessmen to hire, to increase business. In Libohova alone there were 45 construction companies with teams. We were for employment and business, so we are back to low taxes.

But with half of these budgets, we doubled salaries, doubled pensions, and built 11 thousand km of roads from Hani i Hotit to Kosovica, on all 4 sides. We built 1300 schools, we built 11 wastewater treatment plants, we built hundreds of health centers and hospitals. Because we built at real prices, according to manuals.

Construction manuals, my friends, have all the costs for everything. Has the price of construction materials increased in these 10 years, yes. But how much has it increased. It is known, it has increased by 32%. So what does this mean? That highway that cost 11 million euros per kilometer, will cost 1 million and 320 thousand euros. But not cost 10-15 million as it costs today.

Have you seen a Lubi Balluku that I call Lubi Loti. What does she do, they are crazy in stealing, they have no limits. The last 13 km of the Tirana ring road has been divided into 14 lots. 14 contracts to steal with 14 builders. But how can a normal person do such a thing.

He is an employee at the Ministry of Health, he is an old and honest employee. And he tells a friend of mine one day that I have had 12-13 health ministers here, but thieves, not to mention the raven of corruption, Ogerta has never had a ministry.

They just steal. They increased the price of sterilization 83 times. Surgical instruments were sterilized all over Albania, with everything. They took it, they were supposed to lower the price, they increased it 83 times together with Edi Rama.

The drugs destroyed the drug supply system. They drove out the companies.

Do you know why our sick people, with serious illnesses, suffer? They suffer because their first act was to drive out the big pharmaceutical companies.

VilmA came on one side, Toma on the other, they established absolute monopolies on medicines. They get medicines from Bangladesh, they produce them here, Albanians are absolutely supplied with scheduled medicines and they drove the companies out.

But these companies, even with good will, brought the medicines needed for 2-3 patients, which are at a stratospheric price, at a reasonable price, taking into account the entire environment towards them. Now they go and these people don't buy them. Now they leave children without medicines, they leave the sick without medicines and equipment.

So wherever you go, every penny of money is there.

We will never accept leaving 1/10 for man.

We will never accept allocating 1/512 to pensioners.

We will never agree to give farmers 1/100 of what they give.

There is justice, there is meaning, society should have cohesion, not exclude and cast out as if they don't exist.

This is our program. With this program we win every mind, every heart of honest people, regardless of their beliefs.

That's why I ask you to turn night into day, to sit down and talk to everyone. Never have we had a clearer, more realistic, more transformative program for Albania than this.

Secondly, we are the few. Many of us are in emigration. Most of the citizens of Gjirokastra, the region are in emigration. Our battle is to register each of them.


Therefore, in a friendly, brotherly way, I ask you to use every phone call, every connection you have, to invite them to sign the rotation on May 11th, to sign the change.


It's our turn,


it's our turn,


It's your turn.


Victory, long live you,


Long live Gjirokastra, long live victory.


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