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Hysaj denounces the theft from "One" and "Vodafone": measures should be taken for the pockets of Albanians

Hysaj denounces the theft from "One" and "Vodafone":

The Secretary for Public Relations in DP, Jola Hysaj, has denounced the theft that is being done to Albanians by the two telephone companies "One" and "Vodafone".

In a post on Facebook, Hysaj writes that companies do not respond to customers with the requested services and continue to steal from them.

Hysaj has called on the competent bodies to take measures to prevent mass theft.

"I want to strongly and publicly denounce the massive theft that is being done to Albanians every day by the telephone companies "One" and "Vodafone".

Total irresponsibility of services to customers and non-delivery of services after recharges due to "systems problems" are costing consumers every day.

The irresponsibility of services towards customers is maximum, the theft of not only minutes but also of internet units, comes as a result of the lack of competition and a regulatory body in the market.

I call on the competent bodies to take immediate measures for this massive theft that is being done to the pockets of Albanians" , writes Hysaj.

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