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Mediu: The opposition in Albania must mobilize for regular elections
The chairman of the Republican Party of Albania, Fatmir Mediu, says that justice in the country must be exercised in accordance with the Constitution, the Code of Procedure and the Criminal Code, repeating the opposition's position that SPAK is being used as a political weapon against the opposition. Only SPAK has rejected these criticisms. Mr. Mediu made the comments in an interview for the Voice of America, during a visit to Washington to participate in an international forum of conservative parties.
The opposition MP in the Parliament of Albania said that as the next parliamentary elections approach, the opposition must mobilize to guarantee free and fair elections and offer alternatives to voters. Speaking about the security situation in the Balkans, Mr. Mediu emphasized that Albania, as a member of NATO, should be activated more intensively in the face of the danger of Serbia, Russia and China and in support of Kosovo.
Voice of America: Mr. Mediu, as we heard in the previous news, an opposition deputy and a socialist mayor have been charged by the Special Prosecutor's Office. You yourself are in the judicial process for Gërdec. Mr. Berisha is awaiting trial, while former president Ilir Meta is under arrest. What stands out in Albania are the attacks on SPAK, on the Special Prosecutor's Office, but on the other hand it seems as if the political positions in the highest party leadership points are being used as a shield to protect against such processes...
Fatmir Mediu: I think that basically we have to analyze the constitutional functioning. Justice must be in compliance with the Constitution, the Code of Procedure and the Criminal Code. I believe that it is everyone's right, when these elements are violated, to raise their voice strongly for the violation of human rights and freedoms. I do not think that justice can be used as a political weapon to achieve political goals or turn into a political institution. This will be very dangerous for the country. There are even discussions that we are in the time of the Republic of SPAK. We are a parliamentary republic, and we are neither a SPAK republic nor a judicial republic, because the check and balance principle is the way a parliamentary republic works. This process, especially now close to the elections, which in many cases goes against the law and the Constitution, with representatives and political leaders of the opposition is to the detriment of the country; firstly to an election process that is approaching and the impossibility of having a contest and a free and fair election process, which has been proven not only to be manipulated by the government in collaboration with organized crime with corruption money, etc., but now an element of justice is added to it. Since you said that I am in a process for Gërdec, I am telling you that I am not in a process for Gërdec, due to the fact that the court itself has said that Fatmir Mediu has nothing to do with the explosion in Gërdec, but I am for abuse of office with some accusations that are beyond ridiculous.
Voice of America: ... related to Gërdec...
Fatmir Mediu: ... for example, they said that I intervened in the ammunition calibers, when the prosecutor himself does not know what the big or small calibers are, so I have no way of knowing either because I am not a soldier , when all the military expertise from the chief of staff and so on have brought those judgments, which I had no resource to contest any more than the expertise I had. I do not enter into anyone's credit or mine. I would like a justice, which works as an independent justice. It is not that independent justice, for which I voted, to be honest, when the justice reform was approved.
Voice of America: Considering that the institutions are ultimately determined in your specific case, but also in the cases of other leaders of other parties, wouldn't it be better for how long these processes take place, to step down from the leadership of the party in order to face these issues?
Fatmir Mediu: Unë e kam provuar largimin, por nuk më ka rezultuar pozitiv. Kur isha ministër mbrojtjeje, dhashë dorëheqjen në përgjegjësinë time morale sepse në kohën që ish ministër mbrojtjeje humbën jetën njerëz të pafajshëm. Kjo është një humbje që nuk rikuperohet asnjëherë, pavarësisht nga vendimi që marr unë. Nuk mendoj që po të kishin ikur gjithë liderët e opozitës, do të kishim një situatë politike më të mirë në vend. Sepse duket sikur po i shërbehet një raporti me drejtësinë, që drejtësia të jetë më e lirë, por po shkatërron opozitarizmin në Shqipëri, siç është shkatërruar deri më tani në mënyrë të qëllimshme dhe të organizuar nga ana e maxhorancës. Nëse flasim për të bërë një paralelizëm ndërmjet autoriteteve që qeverisin sot dhe vendimet dhe qëndrimet e autoriteteve që kanë qeverisur dje, qartësisht ka një diferencë shumë të madhe në sjelljet e drejtësisë. Flasim për një kohë të shkuar, në vitin 2008, ndërkohë që ka veprime të dukshme, të qarta korruptive të qeverisjes së sotme, të cilat lidhen me gjithë piramidën e funksionimit të qeverisë shqiptare, që nuk hetohen dhe nuk shqyrtohen si të tilla, për raste që tashmë janë bërë publike për afera korruptive.
Zëri i Amerikës: Kemi parë raste kur SPAK-u ka vepruar ndaj elementëve të shumicës. Megjithatë, ju përmendet situatën e brishtë poltike, le të themi, të opozitës edhe për shkak të zhvillimeve të këtyre viteve. Si e shikoni gjendjen e saj, në veçanti kur jemi pranë zgjedhjeve të ardhshme?
Fatmir Mediu: Nuk mendoj që opozita ka kohë të qahet për atë që ka kaluar. Çështja është se ajo duhet të mobilizojë veten e para për të garantuar zgjedhje të lira dhe të ndershme. Rruga më e mirë është organizimi dhe funksionimi opozitar, duke krijuar një front të përbashkët opozitar, një mendim të përbashkët opozitar, një mesazh të qartë për atë çka mund të bëjë më mirë opozita dhe sidomos në bashkëpunim me faktorin ndërkombëtar. Hapat e parë në bashkëpunimin me faktorin ndërkombëtar janë pozitive. Kemi një rezolutë të partive popullore të Parlamentit Europian, e cila përcakton qartësisht që qëverisja është e lidhur me krimin e organizuar dhe korrupsionin, se nuk ka zgjedhje të lira e të ndershme dhe një persekutim të lidershipit opozitar nga ana e drejtësisë së kontrolluar dhe të përdorur si arm politike. Po ashtu CDI-ja ka një vëmendje më të madhe në raport me realitetin, i cili duket sikur tejkalohet dhe nuk vlerësohej nga faktori ndërkombëtar. Këtë duhet ta bëjë më së miri opozita dhe ka nisur ta bëjë. Por mendoj që raporti me qytetarët shqiptarë, fryma që ajo përcjell, mesazhi se kush do të jetë qeveria nesër dhe çfarë bën më mirë, nisur edhe nga konteksti si zhvillohen zgjedhjet në Amerikë, nuk ishte vetëm Kamala Harris apo kundër zotit Trump, por propozime konkrete për çështje që kanë të bëjnë me sigurinë, me familjen, me ekonominë etj.; pra opozita duhet të jetë shumë e përqëndruar në propozime dhe marrëdhënie konkrete me qytetarët.
Voice of America: Will you come out again this time under the PD logo, or differently in these elections?
Fatmir Mediu: I have never come out under the DP logo. We have emerged as a coalition. The only time when there was only a DP sign was the year 2017, when Basha absurdly admitted that the DP was only registered, thus ruining the possibilities...
Voice of America: ... Then you will be in the coalition?
Fatmir Mediu: Yes. We will be in a coalition, because we have been in a coalition with the Party since the 90s, both in the government and in the opposition, but a coalition that must build such relations, starting from the minimum that is today and moving forward in joint competition to increase the presence and weight of the opposition as well as the possibilities to change this reality. I don't think there is any other way. A divided and divided opposition cannot bring a product. There are many movements in the opposition, which want to create different attitudes and relationships. I would appreciate opposition pluralism, but what is important is that votes turn into mandates. At the moment when votes are not returned to mandates, then they are returned in favor of the government and to the detriment of the opposition.
Voice of America: Since you also mentioned the various things in Washington: With the new administration of Mr. Trump, coming to the White House in January, what do you think will be the impact on the security situation for the Balkan region?
Fatmir Mediu: I think that Trump is an atypical president, his diplomacy will also be atypical and he has proven this the first time. I don't think we should worry too much about what will happen with the Trump administration, which is out of our hands. But it is unforgivable that Albania, a NATO member country, does not have a security analysis structure, that has not created a political, military and economic relationship with NATO member countries in the face of Serbia, Russia and China, these factors that have entered deep into the Balkans and are creating problems and conflicts in the Balkans. Albania's first task is to give up paternalism in relation to Kosovo, give up brotherhood and love with Serbia and Vučić, because this is harmful, and must build a vector of clear interoperational military relations and military structures of ready, smart defense policy regarding procurements and operational and interoperational levels and further common positions. The Albanian government should urgently request a meeting of the council of ambassadors, consulting the issues in advance with Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, including Kosovo. This would help Kosovo and make us have a greater weight. So we should try to manage ourselves, rather than waiting for others to manage us. VOA