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Meta: PL doesn't need women who have their mind on heels

Meta: PL doesn't need women who have their mind on heels

The head of the PL, Ilir Meta, delivered his speech at the round table "Economic empowerment of women and girls - guarantee for a better future for the country".

Meta said that he knows women who have also been made ministers, but who, according to him, are ungrateful. He said that women will be the priority of the Freedom Party.

The head of the PL says that he was disappointed by the women who started their political careers in power during the soufflaqs, and now it will be different and he believes in women like Erisa Xixho.

Meta : I know women who have become ministers, MPs, and they say what Ilir Meta has done for me, he should have done more. Women will be Ilir Meta's first priority. Not only will they be in our structures. If I am elected PL president, vice president Erisa Xixho. Most will be women, but women men like Thatcer, not schemers, women fighting for women. Ladies who get better every day. I have seen women who run exceptionally well, like Valbona Basha, who not only does her work and never asked for favors from the party.

Ilir Meta made a big mistake, I did not create a meritocratic system, he believed more than he should. Therefore, do not be disappointed, I will check and build an iron system. We welcome every faction platform, but this will not be a party of words, club rumors, it will be a party of missionaries, executives, when the decision is made, it is reached quickly with deadlines at any cost, I believe very much in the responsibility of women and girls, in Erisa , that she is a founder, like me, who is 17 years old, she is a successful model, that she was started in the opposition by a girl, that we also had some who started her in power during the soufflaqs. This could be very good, and PL president, prime minister of Albania, why is it not done? Since we have a mafia regime, it is my duty as Berisha and the patriots to eradicate the mafia and have a prime minister like Erisa Xixho. After the convention, we will have dozens of Erisa Xixho who have been expelled, left, and intimidated in our party because it should be a closed circle.

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