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DP makes the complaint: Pogradec Municipality with luxury expenses, the mayor is legally responsible for the misuse of public funds

DP makes the complaint: Pogradec Municipality with luxury expenses, the mayor is

The Anti-Corruption Department in DP has made public the abuses of public funds of the municipality of Pogradec, which has carried out several transactions which can be considered as luxury expenses.

In an appearance for the media, the anti-corruption spokesperson, Genta Vangjeli, emphasized that during the year 2023, the municipality of Pogradec has carried out several transactions which can be considered as luxury expenses.

Full statement: 

Fees 2,951,819 ALL;

Expenses for the execution of court decisions for dismissal from work 7,313,033 ALL;

Compensation expenses for members of parliament and other elected officials 8,725,602 ALL.

We consider them luxury expenses because Pogradec is a municipality where a very low percentage of investment realization is evident, as the funds mainly cover the salaries of an over-inflated administration.

But there is also a big breach in employee salaries, which speaks of corruption and favoritism. The net salaries for the employees of the Municipality, approved in the organic, amount to ALL 170,073,822. The net salaries of the employees of the Municipality with a temporary contract over the organic number amount to ALL 140,297,929

According to the Decision of the Municipal Council no. 144, dated 28.12.2022, the number of employees with a temporary contract in the municipality of Pogradec for the year 2023 is 65, and the total number is 760. According to the data of the DPTH, the net salary for the 760 employees approved in the organic year 2023 was ALL 170,102,022, while the net salary of temporary contract employees over the organic number was ALL 140,297,929.

Note: 82% of the value paid to 760 employees goes to temporary contracts. This employment structure where one tenth of the employees absorb 78 percent of the amount allocated for salaries clearly speaks of the way the mayor of Pogradec rewards "his own", party people and patronageists, and denigrates the majority of employees. This dislevelment does not prove anything other than the fact that these are payments for salaries and bonuses of the mayor. Such a thing has also been noticed by KLSh in the audit carried out in Pogradec Municipality in July 2022 (for years 20-21).

Recommending that the Head of the Municipality of Pogradec, immediately take measures to review the structure of employees in order to eliminate unnecessary structures, reduce the number of employees and therefore reduce expenses for salaries, as well as review the contracts concluded in the years previous source of funding is Pogradec Municipality's income.

This is the local government of Rilindash, for whom some are the mother's party and most are the stepmother's."

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