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Increasing the cost of car insurance, PD calls on AFSA, Hysaj: Intervene immediately, be transparent

Increasing the cost of car insurance, PD calls on AFSA, Hysaj: Intervene

The 30% increase in the cost of car insurance has led the DP to officially request the Financial Supervisory Authority to intervene immediately to increase the price.

In a statement to the media, the Secretary of Public Relations at the Democratic Party, Jola Hysaj, said that the increase in insurance prices is a symptom of a complete lack of oversight and planning, causing citizens to be taxed twice.


The 30% increase in mandatory vehicle insurance prices is a heavy burden for each of you because your salaries are low and your costs are increasing every day.

Albania has the most expensive insurance in the region. And here comes another addition to your pocket. This is a clear indication of the abandonment of citizens by the institutions that are supposed to protect them.

The hardest hit by this increase will be young drivers, who are finding it even harder to afford it. This is a double tax on them and their parents.

On behalf of the Democratic Party, I address the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA):

1. Intervene immediately: Stop abuses and unjustified price increases. Citizens cannot be a source of profit for insurance companies.

2. Publish the truth: Be fully transparent about the reasons for this increase. Citizens have the right to know why they are paying prices that are record highs in the region.

3. Protect citizens in need: Create measures to ease the burden of those most affected by rising costs, especially the young and the disadvantaged.

4. Establish accountability: Avoid propaganda and focus on your main task – protecting the interests of citizens, not interest groups.

The rise in insurance prices is a symptom of a complete lack of oversight and planning. Instead of supporting citizens, institutions have chosen to remain indifferent, leaving them to face a market that acts as it pleases. 

Today you are faced with a government that is making propaganda instead of taking responsibility. That has increased prices from bread to car insurance, that taxes life and death, that takes your soul. Let us not allow them to continue on the course of impoverishing you and enriching themselves and the court oligarchs.

On May 11th, your vote will change this course! Use it to save Albania and yourself from bloodsucking leeches.

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