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Ditari i Opozitës

Topalli: Diaspora a fundamental factor, their vote can bring up to 10 mandates

Topalli: Diaspora a fundamental factor, their vote can bring up to 10 mandates

The DP's political leader for the diaspora, Jozefina Topalli, considers the diaspora vote as a key factor for these elections.

Speaking on Syri TV, she said that their fair vote could lead to them receiving at least 10 mandates.

"A possible process that is not simple and with blockages, but the insistence on registering and having the opportunity to vote is a very encouraging thing. A great challenge, a planetary challenge that has been delayed because Kosovo did it a few years ago, and the countries of Eastern Europe have given the right that belongs to the Diaspora, every Albanian abroad, to express his will in the developments of their country. Because their emotional and family connection, as they have a contribution in their remittances to support their families, especially parents and grandparents who are retired and cannot make it.

"This is a way to show that from January 11 to March 14 you have the opportunity to register on the electronic election platform," she said.

Topalli stated that next week, DP deputies will intensify meetings in every country where there is an Albanian community.

"Voting is a matter of trust and conscience. I and many DP deputies are in several states and cities to help with the registration and voting process and we will continue these intensive meetings. In 3 days, 13 thousand have registered. The age range is 25-45 years, and if we can reach 100 or so registrations, this comes down to 10 mandates, which makes a difference. The diaspora is a fundamental factor ," said Topalli. 

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