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Drugs, injury and murder, 29 teenagers are serving sentences in the re-education institute

Drugs, injury and murder, 29 teenagers are serving sentences in the re-education

Currently, at the Juvenile Re-Education Institute in Kavaja, 29 teenagers are under the measure of arrest or are serving the sentence by order of the courts.

Remembering that school is mandatory here for the arrested children, Marinela Alia, director of the Juvenile Reeducation Institute, lists the offenses for which the prosecutors have investigated.

In this panorama of the involvement of children, their arrest for theft is specific, which has turned them into recidivists several times.

"The crimes that dominate are in the field of drugs, in addition to injuries, there are also murders," says the director of the Institute for the Reeducation of Juveniles, Marinela Alia.

The latest to end up in these facilities is 14-year-old Mario, who is being investigated for the murder of Martini, a student at Fan Noli School, where the suspected perpetrator also studied.

Ms. Alia describes the portrait of children who are treated in this institute and who have been investigated in conflict with the law. Some of them turn out to come from families who, in a moment of crisis, forget to take care of their children. Others are influenced by the Internet, bullying, but also known factors such as the economic situation

"What I have noticed are children who are also pushed by the influence of bad models," says the director.

From the data available to TCH last year, 2,006 children in conflict with the law were identified, of which the names of 746 of them were registered as defendants, and subsequently there was also an application to avoid punishment, counseling or a written warning. from the court for 282 children.

For the most part, the court decided probation with the obligation to appear according to the frequencies ordered by the court, or with the obligation to attend a professional training course.

There are currently 217 minors under probation. While the lack of other mechanisms provided for in the Juvenile Justice Code continues to be a problem./Tch

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