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Tragic accident in Italy, the Albanian lost his life

Tragic accident in Italy, the Albanian lost his life

An Albanian lost his life in an accident in Italy. EH, 62, who was hit by a car on the A7 motorway, near Castelnuovo Scrivia

It is reported that the Albanian was a Highway Maintenance employee and lived in Tortona, in the province of Alessandria. He crashed while, together with his colleagues, he was taking care of the maintenance of the road to Genoa.

The first to try to help the 62-year-old were his colleagues, but unfortunately for him, despite the efforts of the health workers who arrived at the scene a little later, nothing could be done.

The investigations that have been entrusted to the traffic police will now have to clarify whether the accident was caused by the victim's own carelessness or whether it was the driver who did not take the necessary measures when he passed by the construction site.

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