Berisha: Zaho Koka is the file that came here for Olsi Rama and the Rama clan

Berisha: Zaho Koka is the file that came here for Olsi Rama and the Rama clan

The leader of the DP, Sali Berisha, declared from the Special Prosecution Office that a file has arrived on the Rama clan, a file submitted by Zaho Koka, and SPAK will never be able to hide this.

Berisha stated that the file in question contains documents that directly implicate Rama and Olsi.

"Now the reality is that there is no one in the world who doesn't see the complete absence of the Tirana incinerator and the mountain of garbage there, except for this criminal institution."

And its main responsible, Erion Veliaj and Edi Rama, have never been questioned regarding this matter.

Therefore, they deserve every stigma, every epithet, every denunciation.

They are figuratively, because Zaho Koka is also a war martyr, but Zaho Koka is the file that has come here for Olsi Rama and the Rama clan, a file that contains authentic, very important documents that incriminate this clan head to toe.

These people think they can hide it, but it's in vain because things always exist in duplicates and triplicates.

... The denunciation of the crime against Sali Berisha knows no bounds.

The special prosecutor's office has been there for years, hiding and covering up the crime in the most criminal way.

"I am here to guarantee that they will be punished one by one in accordance with the law for concealing these files ," Berisha declared.

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