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The 2025 draft budget is discussed today, the opposition returns to the Assembly

The 2025 draft budget is discussed today, the opposition returns to the Assembly

Today, the Assembly holds its next plenary session, where the agenda is the review of the draft law "On the approval of the actual budget of 2023".

The Assembly will also discuss the draft decision "On some changes in decision no. 69/2021 "On the appointment of the membership of the permanent committees of the Assembly", as amended, and "On a change in decision no. 70/2021 "On the appointment of substitute members of the Permanent Committees of the Assembly" as amended.

Two days ago, the opposition warned that it will be in the Assembly to protect the interests of citizens related to the financial policies of the government provided for in the next year's draft budget.

"Leaving the parliament means stopping civil disobedience and the confrontation with the government" , declared Tuesday the head of the DP parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, after the end of the meeting of democratic deputies.

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