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Children of the Roma community do not go to school, their parents marry them off at a young age

Children of the Roma community do not go to school, their parents marry them off

About 100 children of the Roma community in Berat do not go to school at all, the same fate has the Roma children who have to go to kindergarten. Parents do not send them to school and marry them at a very young age.

 "I don't go to school, my mother won't let me," says a little girl, who would have to start the first day of school today.

There are 40 Roma families who live together in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city of Berat, but their economy is extremely difficult.

They live in shacks, in damp conditions and in very difficult economic conditions, and this has prevented them from educating their children.

Over 100 children of this community between the ages of 6-17 are illiterate, they have only completed 1 or 2 classes of school and then dropped out of 9-year education.

Residents claim that their children are forced to work with their parents in the market to earn income.

They claim that it is the parents themselves who have no desire to educate their children, who marry them off at a very young age.

"They marry quickly, 15-16 years old. They go shopping, to the market after their parents. They should go to school because they are young, to learn," said a resident.

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