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BIRN reporter: The EU ambassador requested the repeal of the law on protected areas, but the letter was hidden from the Parliament

BIRN reporter: The EU ambassador requested the repeal of the law on protected

BIRN journalist Blerina Gjoka stated that the EU delegation and the ambassador sent a letter to MP Arben Pëllumbi asking him to withdraw, but the letter was hidden by the Parliament of Albania.

Invited to Syri TV, Gjoka said that the letter was sent before the approval of the law on protected areas, but was ignored as if nothing had happened.

Before the approval of the law on protected areas, the EU delegation, the ambassador sent a letter to Arben Pëllumbi, the deputy who was dealing with this law, where he asked him to withdraw from this law and open the public discussion again , because it was understood that the project brought by the government would be final and it passed without public discussion.

The letter was not made public and no one reacted and it was ignored as if nothing had happened ,' said Gjoka.


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