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NIPHK: The increase in flu cases has exceeded the epidemic threshold

NIPHK: The increase in flu cases has exceeded the epidemic threshold

The rapid spread of seasonal influenza and the large increase in suspected cases of this contagious disease have led to the epidemic threshold being exceeded, the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo (NIPHK) warned on Thursday.

The epidemic threshold is a parameter that determines whether a contagious disease can spread in a population. It is used to assess the potential risks of an epidemic and to initiate the implementation of appropriate control measures.

According to the institute, in Kosovo the threshold is crossed when 5,000 or more cases of flu are registered.

In a response to Radio Free Europe, the institute said that from January 6 to 12, a total of 7,826 suspected cases of flu-like illness were reported.

Meanwhile, the Infectious Diseases Clinic reported one death, aged 79.

"Every season, Kosovo health institutions record cases of deaths, mainly in people over 65 years of age and cases with concomitant chronic diseases, with a similar trend as in European countries," said the National Institute of Public Health.

Every year, mainly during the winter season, seasonal influenza affects about 1 billion people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO estimates that there are about 3 to 5 million severe cases of seasonal influenza worldwide, and between 290,000 and 650,000 deaths per year worldwide.

Seasonal influenza is an acute infectious disease, which in a considerable number of cases causes serious health complications, especially in children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

Flu symptoms usually begin about two days after infection and usually last a week. Symptoms include: sudden fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, and runny nose.

Most people recover from the flu on their own. However, people with severe symptoms or other underlying illnesses should seek medical attention.

The vaccine is the best way to prevent seasonal flu. Immunity from the vaccine wanes over time, so annual vaccination is recommended to protect against seasonal flu.

The institute said that the Ministry of Health has provided 85,000 doses of the vaccine for this season and citizens can be vaccinated in each municipality, at the nearest family medicine center.

He reiterated calls for citizens to continue getting vaccinated./REL

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