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Luis Meça's mother: Someone hit Martin Can two days before the incident

Luis Meça's mother: Someone hit Martin Can two days before the

The show "With an Open Heart" on News24 discussed the tragic event that occurred two months ago, where 14-year-old Martin Cani lost his life after a conflict at the 9-year-old "Fan Noli" school in Tirana. His friend, Luis Meçe, was also injured.

Luis Meça's mother, invited to a telephone interview, gave her version of the incident. According to her, Luis told her that on the day of the incident, someone had argued with Martin and hit him, causing a bloodied lip. She emphasized that the conflict had erupted after the perpetrators had bullied Martin's brother and had agreed to make amends.

Luis' mother added that the boys were well-behaved and that their families had raised them with very good values. She concluded by saying that two people had hit Martin, not one, as previously reported.

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