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The employee of the municipality in Elbasan lost his life, it is announced that he is responsible

The employee of the municipality in Elbasan lost his life, it is announced that

Yesterday, an employee of the Elbasan Municipality lost his life after falling from the crane while he was repairing electric lamps on the lighting poles, in the "5 Maji" neighborhood.

As a result, the wanted citizen MQ, 54 years old, resident of Elbasan, with the duty of being responsible for the lighting sector at the Directorate of Public Services in A.Sh.PU, Elbasan Municipality.

Police notification: 

Following yesterday's announcement, we would like to inform you that the Elbasan Police Station referred the materials to the Prosecutor's Office, where the proceedings began in a free state for the citizen S. Ç., 55 years old, resident in Elbasan, with the position of Director in the Directorate of Administration and Support Services at the Public and Urban Services Agency, Elbasan.

Following the investigative actions, a citizen MQ, 54 years old, resident in Elbasan, with the responsibility of being responsible for the lighting sector at the Directorate of Public Services in A.Sh.PU, Elbasan Municipality, was declared wanted.

Yesterday, citizen EB, 56 years old, an employee of the Municipality, employed in this sector, fell from the crane, during the work for the repair of electric lamps on the lighting poles, in the neighborhood "5 Maji" and as a result of the injuries he lost his life hospital.

The materials were passed to the Prosecutor's Office for the criminal offense "Breach of the rules of protection at work", while the work continues on the capture of the wanted citizen.

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