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What is the number of singles and divorced people in Tirana?

What is the number of singles and divorced people in Tirana?

The population of Tirana in 2023 is calculated at 598,176 inhabitants with a density of 539 inhabitants/km2, corresponding to almost 25% of the population of Albania.

According to data obtained from the results of the Cens for 2023, made public in October 2024.

According to the draft budget report of the Municipality of Tirana for the year 2025, Administrative Unit No. has the largest population. 5. This is also related to the fact that this Unit has a large area compared to other Administrative Units of Tirana Municipality.

 Administrative Units Shëngjergj and Krrabë have the smallest population with 0.23% and 0.34% of the total population, respectively, and with respective densities of 6.67 inhabitants/m2 and 108.59 inhabitants/m2. In Tirana, 51.85% of the population are women, while 48.15% are men.

According to marital status, 251,914 inhabitants are single, 299,669 inhabitants are married, 10,513 inhabitants are divorced and 36,080 inhabitants are widowed, where it is noted that widows make up 85% of widowed persons, while divorced ones make up 66% of divorced persons. 2.4% of the residents of our municipality are born in a country other than the Republic of Albania.

Those born in the territory of the District of Tirana constitute 51.84% of the current residents with usual residence in the Municipality of Tirana (according to the demographic picture dated September 18, 2023, 00:00).

After those born in Tirana District, residents born in Dibër, Korçë, Fier and Berat districts account for 6.5%, 6%, 5.06% and 5.05% of the largest number of residents within this municipality, respectively.

According to the report, the Municipality of Tirana is already considered a city of many opportunities, which is also reflected in the fact that 13,432 residents who lived abroad returned to Tirana in the period 2019-2023.

Out of 598,176 inhabitants, 46,077 are children of kindergarten age, that is, more than ¼ of the children in the whole country. There are also 31,136 children currently attending primary education (25.44% of all children attending primary education in the Republic of Albania), 25,593 children attending 9-year school and 20,059 children attending secondary school (23.3% of young attending secondary education).

The number of households is 171,785, where 53,136 households are married or cohabiting couples without children, 98,897 households are married or cohabiting couples with children, and 19,752 households are single parent households. The largest part of the population, about 67%, belongs to the age group of 15-64 years, this age group has value in the calculation of the labor force.

According to the results of Cens 2023, 25,788 residents of different age groups are disabled.

The municipality of Tirana with a total area of ​​1,110.03 km2 is bordered to the north by the municipalities of Vorë, Kamëz and Krujë, to the northeast by the municipality of Klos, to the east by the municipalities of Bulqizë and Librazhd, to the south by the municipalities of Elbasan and Peqin and to the west by the municipalities of Rrogozhinë, Kavajë , Durrës and Shijak.

This municipality consists of 24 administrative units as well as 3 Neighborhoods, which are: 11 Urban Administrative Units, rural areas such as Petrela, Farka, Dajti, Zall-Bastari, Bërzhita, Krraba, Baldushku, Shëngjergji, Vaqarri, Kashari, Peza, Ndroqi, Zall Herri, Ward 12, Ward 13 and Ward 14. In the territory of this municipality there are a total of 135 villages./Monitor

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