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Salianji celebrates his 37th birthday in prison, the parliamentary college: We will celebrate our next birthday by working after the May 11 victory

Salianji celebrates his 37th birthday in prison, the parliamentary college: We

Former Democratic Party MP Ervin Salianji celebrates his birthday today while in Fier prison. Today he turns 37, while Democratic Party MP Ina Zhupa publicly congratulates him through a post on her Facebook page.

AJo writes that this time, Salianji is celebrating his birthday behind closed doors, with those who have committed corruption, killed, and stolen.

Zhupa says that they will celebrate Salijanj's next birthday by working for Albanians after the May 11 victory.

Ina Zhupa's post:

Ervin Salianji is spending his 37th birthday in cell no. 6 of the political prison!

Today is the birthday of the deputy leader of the group, MP, friend Ervin Salianji. I have never congratulated him publicly in all these years, but this time it is different.

It's different because Ervin doesn't celebrate with his associates, with the Democrats, with his friends and with his family, but celebrates it in private with those who have committed corruption, killed, and stolen from him.

Ervin remains there as a political prisoner because he denounced, because he spoke out, because he sent someone wanted by Italian justice to prison, because he was in opposition, because he won in the areas where he worked, because he was dangerous with his words and work in the campaign.

Another 100 happy years, strong, true, courageous and a fighter. We will celebrate our next birthday by working for Albanians after the victory of May 11.

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