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He tried to kill his wife, the 50-year-old man was arrested in Rrogozhin after two years

He tried to kill his wife, the 50-year-old man was arrested in Rrogozhin after

A 50-year-old resident of Rrogozhina was arrested after being declared wanted.

In 2022, this citizen tried to kill his wife by hitting her with a vehicle. His wife at that time was provided with a protection order.

The Kavaje Police Station finalized the coded operation "Break". During the operation, the citizen of RM, 50 years old, resident of Rrogozhina, was captured.

This citizen was declared a national wanted, after the Court of Durrës, with the decision dated 07.07.2022, has assigned the security measure "Arrest in prison", for the criminal offenses "Murder", remaining in the attempt, "Actions contrary to the decision of the court" and "Domestic violence".

In July 2022, this citizen attempted to kill his wife, who was under a protection order, by hitting her with a vehicle. – informs the police.


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