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He had with him the pistol with the inscription, new details from the murder of Faton Hajrizi

He had with him the pistol with the inscription, new details from the murder of

Faton Hajrizi, the suspect in the murder of the Serbian policeman and the wounding of his colleague in Loznica, Serbia, has been killed after about 40 hours of searching, Serbian authorities reported.

The Serbian media "Informatori" has published the photographs of the murdered Fatoni and the gun with which he shot the Serbian police. According to them, the symbols of the KLA were engraved on the weapons.

He had with him the pistol with the inscription, new details from the murder of

Hajrizi tried to cross the Drina and escape to Bosnia and Herzegovina, but he did not succeed, so he hid in an abandoned factory complex.

He was located and killed while it is claimed that this happened because Hajrizi shot at the police while resisting.



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