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How complaints can help us solve problems

How complaints can help us solve problems

We've all met people who do nothing but complain. Generally, the common thought is to avoid negativity in our lives: to look on the bright side, find the light at the end of the tunnel, compare our current situation to the worst-case scenario, and practice gratitude, even for the smallest things.

This is valuable advice, but perhaps we have somewhat underestimated the power of negativity.

Why do we tend towards negativity?

Humans are naturally sensitive to negativity, a phenomenon often called “negativity bias.” This behavior may have evolved as a survival mechanism: it’s better to be overly cautious and avoid danger than to be bold and end up in a fatal situation.

Negative events and stimuli affect us more than positive ones. We notice negative changes more quickly than positive ones, and we feel them much more when others criticize us than when they praise us.

Can complaining be a good thing?

If we use it correctly, the answer is yes. Let's take a simple example: instead of thinking about how to become more successful in a certain area, let's think about how to fail completely. This unusual approach helps us identify mistakes more easily.

The power of turning negativity into positivity

Once we've listed all the ways to fail, the next step is to turn them upside down. For example:

• Instead of writing articles infrequently and irregularly, commit to writing frequently and at a consistent pace.

• Don't choose irrelevant ideas; research and choose topics that are interesting and relevant to your audience.

• Write in an attractive style.

• Do thorough research and make sure every claim is backed up with facts.

• Accept feedback from your audience and continuously improve.

Advantages of this process

This process has three main advantages:

1. Greater clarity: Instead of getting confused by too many positive ideas, negativity helps you more accurately determine the steps to avoid.

2. Deeper self-awareness: When you acknowledge negativity and analyze it, you learn more about your weaknesses and can improve them.

3. Sustainable progress: By turning every “potential failure” into a step towards success, you manage to build stronger and more effective strategies.

So, the next time you feel yourself sinking into negativity, don't ignore it. Use it as a tool to better understand your problems and solve them.

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