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Albanian politician in North Macedonia retires from politics after being blacklisted by the US

Albanian politician in North Macedonia retires from politics after being

Former Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Artan Grubi, is retiring from politics 3 days after the State Department included him on the American blacklist.

In a reaction on social media, Grubi from the opposition Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) wrote that he had informed the chairman of his party, Ali Ahmeti, about this decision "from day one."

"I, before God, family and friends, am as pure as a tear, but with the aim of revealing the truth, which I see many of you already know, and in order not to be a political burden, I have decided to withdraw from public life and I have informed Mayor Ahmeti of this from day one," Grubi wrote.

He also emphasized that "major attacks over the years, misinterpretations and unfair blows" have pushed him to make such a decision.

"This is a difficult decision, but necessary to save my family and preserve my personal and political integrity, as well as to support the continuity of the work and dedication of our leader, Ali Ahmeti," he writes. 

Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Skopje announced on Wednesday that it has launched an investigation against former Deputy Prime Minister Grubi, who was also Ahmeti's former chief of staff, and Court of Appeal judge Enver Bexheti, for suspicions of their involvement in "high-level corruption."

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