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Rally of Veliaj's supporters, SPAK and GJKKO write to Ervin Hoxha: The institution was violated, employees were intimidated

Rally of Veliaj's supporters, SPAK and GJKKO write to Ervin Hoxha: The

SPAK and GJKKO have sent a letter to the Ministry of Interior and the State Police regarding the rally of Erion Veliaj's supporters in front of the SPAK building.

In the letter, both justice institutions point out that supporters have violated the institution and intimidated employees.

The rally was held on the day Veliaj appeared at the GJKKO to be informed of the security measure of “prison arrest.” Administration employees and socialist sympathizers gathered in front of the SPAK building to demand the mayor's release.

The supporters even did not allow the Prisons Directorate van to cross the road.

Asked by journalists before the plenary session why the police had not intervened, Interior Minister Ervin Hoxha said that it was an unannounced protest.

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