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Peoples ruled by crime have worthless, characterless elites!

Peoples ruled by crime have worthless, characterless elites!
By Kim Mehmeti

They say that after deciding to establish the Bektashi state and after giving Albania into the hands of thieves, Piktori is looking for a location in Tirana to establish the state of the honest.

It seems that Albania is on its way to ending up as a federation composed of more equal states, where there will not be a state of widows and men who want to have more wives.

And there is no doubt that Piktori will once again prove what is known: that the state that thousands of patriots and wise men have built can be destroyed by any fool who knows neither homeland nor nation.

Just as there is no doubt that Albania has been transformed into a cauldron placed on the fire where all the values ​​of Albanianness are burned and where the 'alliance of stench' cooks its poisonous dish for Albania.

Yes, after Albania was taken over by the thieves of the 'Renaissance', Piktori rightly dedicated himself to the mission of providing a location in Tirana for the 'Albanians' of the minority communities within our people.

And then, all these states within it, are financed from the same budget from which today's Albania is largely maintained; from that of crime and theft.

And then let some motherfucker come out and say that we are not a tolerant people. And that our elites are silent not because they are worthless and characterless, but because this is how the interests of your people are protected.

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