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The best food that stops hair loss

The best food that stops hair loss

Hair loss can be difficult to prevent or manage, so it is often a depressing moment for many individuals, especially if the cause is unknown.

Although in most cases it is something natural that happens with aging, there are other factors such as genetics, lack of nutrients, stress, or various health problems that further promote their decline.

Some of these factors may be more difficult to treat and prevent, but including the right nutrients in your diet may be an option in preventing further decline.

According to the advice of world health experts, there is a special food that helps prevent and strengthen hair, which AgroWeb.org reveals for you below.

What is the best food that stops hair loss and makes it healthy?

According to experts, one of the best foods that supports hair health is eggs, especially their yolks.

Eggs contain nutrients and vitamins that can help hair growth, in particular they are rich in Biotin.

Biotin is a type of B vitamin, and in addition to eggs, it can be found in meat, animal organs, fish, seeds, and nuts.

In one egg you will get about 10 micrograms of this nutrient, which is 33% of the recommended daily value.

This is almost the highest percentage of biotin that a food contains after beef liver.

Plus eggs are a little easier to incorporate into your meals than liver!

Although there is not much data showing that biotin specifically prevents hair loss, there is data suggesting that a deficiency in this nutrient is linked to poor hair health.

So, consuming foods with biotin, like eggs, can help your hair grow at a healthy pace.

Also another benefit that eggs have is that they contain high-quality protein, another nutrient that supports the health of your hair. /AgroWeb.org

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