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December 8 and the symbol thief

December 8 and the symbol thief

Luciano Boçi

December 8, as the symbolic date of Youth, clearly conveys the message that caste regimes, whether ideological, such as the dictatorship, or criminal-political, such as today's, are overthrown, they do not go away.

The strength of the symbolism of this date provokes and inspires multiple emotions and attitudes.

Closely related to the fall of communism and the role of student youth, teachers and intellectuals of the time led by Sali Berisha, this date encourages democratic ideals and goals and awakens dreams of freedom and democracy.

Although the authors and its strength are known, attempts to relativize, divert, steal the betrayed have not stopped.

Its indisputable value with the symbolism it carries, stirs Albanian politics every time it comes.

This value stems from its being one of the most significant symbols of our recent history.

It is known that symbols are part of the identity and culture of a society. They have a great influence on the way a society expresses itself, how it thinks and acts.

They, like December 8, are an integral part of our history and culture. Therefore, it is important to pay attention and care to these symbols and resist attempts to manipulate and steal them.

Their manipulation and theft is today one of the most perfidious forms of war against democracy and the opposition.

In many cases, Rama has tried to steal some of them, including the logo and seal, and especially December 8 with the fable of being a Decemberist.

But also with other bastard forms, such as the organization of the party-state congress that began to collapse on this very date, December 8, 1990.

This subcultural skinhead of the 90s, today the Prime Minister, who allegedly shouted at the time "communists on the rope" and who was simply an infiltrator and supported by the state security, today is, not only the biggest instigator and conveyer of the symbols of communism, but also the most excited thief of the symbols of democracy.

The spoiled boy of the block that collapsed on December 8, seeks to rob and the spiritual values ​​of history.

This attempted theft by this individual means seizing them, to gain control over them. At the same time, it aims to place them in a completely different context, to lie or manipulate the masses. And by stealing history he seeks to present himself as bigger and more important than anyone at the time.

While the theft of symbols has benefits for this thief and manipulator, it has serious consequences for society and citizens.

When symbols lose their integrity and true meaning due to theft, as Rama seeks to do this December 8th, they lose the ability to express and communicate important and valuable messages.

This simultaneously leads to the dimming of the collective consciousness and the full understanding of social history and culture. Also, this theft of symbols can cause disregard and misunderstanding of symbols as part of our historical and spiritual heritage, and goes as far as trying to deny the value of history and events.

This is Rama's goal and with full conviction and conscience, he does everything to realize it.

Therefore, their protection, the protection of December 8, is an imperative task as much as the overthrow of the political-criminal organization that runs the country today.

The congress of the descendants of those who were overthrown, starting from December 8, can really gather today in luxury and the sons of the fathers can get wet with champagne, but whatever happens, they cannot escape the punishment of the history of December 8.

History does not only reserve the repetition of the return of regimes due to the collapse of democracy, but also includes their overthrow.

The glory of the Decemberist students tears us up and inspires us!


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