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Pendarovski demands sanctions for "nationalist provocations" during Kurti's visit to Tetovo

Pendarovski demands sanctions for "nationalist provocations" during

The President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, has requested the sanctioning of the leaders of the municipalities of Çairi and Tetova, for what he said, "nationalist provocations that propose chauvinistic ideas of large states" during the visit of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, on Friday , on August 11 in Tetovo and Chair of Skopje.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti stayed in these two municipalities inhabited by Albanian population, at the invitation of the mayor of Çairi, Visar Ganiu, and that of Tetova, Bilall Kasami. Kurti participated in the inauguration of a road with the name of the activity, Adem Demaçi in Çair, while in Tetovo he participated in the opening of a road in the Tetovo Highlands.

During this visit, Kurti and the head of Tetova also spoke about the need to open a tunnel with a length of about 6 kilometers, which would connect Tetova with Prizren.

Kurti was welcomed with Albanian iconography, flags and other Albanian national symbols.

"The placement of provocative nationalist iconography, which promotes chauvinistic ideas of large states, represents the incitement of hatred and ethnic intolerance, which undoubtedly attack the basic principles and values ​​of the Framework Agreement as well as the concept of Macedonia as a multi-ethnic state", it was said in the reaction of the Macedonian president, Stevo Pendarovski.

He also reacted to "non-compliance with the Law on the use of state symbols of North Macedonia".

"Organizers of public gatherings in Tetovo and Çair should be legally sanctioned for violating the legal provisions on the use of the national flag and anthem and the flags and symbols of the communities, completely ignoring the symbols of the state. In this regard, I call on the competent bodies to carry out the procedures as soon as possible", says the reaction of Pendarovski, who also raised dilemmas about the violation of the procedures for naming the street in Çair after Adem Demaç.

“Mënyra e realizimit të idesë së riemërtimit të rrugës në komunën e Çairit bie ndesh me parimin e debatit demokratik dhe respektimit të trashëgimisë historike të të gjitha komuniteteve në shtet. Në këtë kuptim, pres që shërbimet kompetente inspektuese të kontrollojnë nëse është respektuar parimi i shumicës së dyfishtë me rastin e marrjes së vendimit, ku duhet të përfshihen edhe votat e komuniteteve që nuk janë shumicë në atë komunë”, u tha në reagimin me shkrim të presidentit të Maqedonisë së Veriut, Stevo Pendarovski, të dielën më 13 gusht.

Ndaj këtyre deklaratave ka reaguar Izet Mexhiti, ish-kryetar i Çairit, tani kryetar i partisë së re Lëvizja Demokratike, me përfaqësuesit e të cilës u takua Kurti.

“Mendoj se kjo vizitë duhet parë pozitivisht, pasi u promovuan projekte të përbashkëta, siç është rruga Tetovë-Prizren, e cila do t'i bashkojë njerëzit, do t'i kontribuojë zhvillimit ekonomik dhe turizmit më të madh. Unë do t'iu kërkoj të mendoni më pozitivisht. E shoh që me çdo kusht dëshiron të gjesh diçka. Ishte një miting. Na ndodh çdo ditë, shoh edhe harta nga ‘Maqedonia e Madhe’. Ne ishim edhe në komunën e Tetovës, ku para ndërtesës së komunës ka flamuj edhe maqedonas, shqiptar dhe komunal. Nëse duam t'i shohim, duhet të bëjmë probleme me çdo kusht, tha Mexhiti.

He emphasized that the example of naming the street after "Adem Demaçi" should not be a problem, since according to him, it is about a person with European values, winner of the Sakharov Prize shared by the European Parliament and a fighter for human rights and freedoms and national of the Kosovar Albanians.

Apart from President Stevo Pendarovski, other Macedonian parties have also reacted to the visit of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, while the "Left" party has demanded that Kurti be declared "Persona non grata" (unwanted person)./ REL

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