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"Threatens biodiversity"/ Bern Convention: Reconsider new law on Protected Areas

"Threatens biodiversity"/ Bern Convention: Reconsider new law on

The Standing Committee of the Berne Convention, in its document on Albania following its 44th meeting, held in Strasbourg from December 2 to 6, expresses "strong regret" for the continuation of works at the Vlora airport and "deep concern" regarding the recent changes to the Law on Protected Areas by the Albanian government.

The document for Albania came after the Committee's review on December 4 of two reports, that of the Albanian government and the report of two Albanian environmental organizations (EcoAlbania and PPNEA) in the role of complainant, regarding the impacts on the Vjosa River and the construction of the Vlora airport.

The Berne Convention Committee expresses “strong regret that the construction of the Vlora international airport continued despite the clear provisions of Recommendation No. 219 (of 2023) and the repeated calls by the Berne Committee to suspend the construction of the airport until appropriate Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are carried out.”

The Bern Committee also expresses “deep concern that the new law on Protected Areas may conflict with the principles and obligations set out in the Bern Convention, potentially facilitating violations of its provisions.” The Committee called for “a review to ensure compliance with the Convention.”

The Bern Convention Committee further expresses in the document on Albania "regrets the decision of the Albanian government to authorize additional activities in protected landscapes and the removal of areas, as this will pose significant threats to the protection of biodiversity."

Meanwhile, the Bern Convention Committee welcomed the Albanian government "for suspending work on the water supply project in the municipality of Himara, following the guidelines provided by the expert of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and for involving local communities in discussions and decision-making processes."

The Berne Convention Committee encourages the authorities “to actively engage with civil society and other stakeholders to advance the implementation of the Recommendation of the previous year on the suspension of works on Vlora airport”.

The Committee reaffirms the commitment of the Bern Convention “to provide ongoing support and expertise to all parties and urges the Albanian authorities to engage and involve civil society and other stakeholders in the monitoring of the area’s wildlife.”

The Berne Convention announced that the matter was being kept open and, due to the urgency of the matter, requested both parties to provide an update on last year's recommendations as a basis for their reporting to the Committee meeting to be held next year.

Albanian environmental organizations had requested during the session held in Strasbourg that "the Bern Convention keep the issue open and the parties report and update on the issues as long as last year's recommendations have not been fulfilled by the Albanian government, according to them."

Albanian government representatives have asserted in the report submitted to the Convention Committee that “the construction of Vlora Airport has been meticulously planned to minimize habitat destruction and detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) have been conducted prior to the start of the project, identifying critical habitats and proposing measures to mitigate negative effects.”

The Bern Convention, officially known as the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, is a binding international treaty for nature conservation. Albania signed the convention in 1995, and it entered into force in May 1999.

The construction of Vlora airport began in November 2021 by a consortium of companies, where 50% of the shares were owned by entrepreneur Behgjet Pacolli's "Mabetex", in partnership with the Turkish company, "Yda Group", which had 48% of the shares, while 2% belonged to the Kosovo company "2A Group Shpk".

The Turkish company withdrew from the consortium and the company "Mabco Constructions" took possession of 98% of the shares of the Vlora International Airport concession.

Vlora Airport covers an area of ​​297 hectares with an estimated investment value of around 100 million dollars. The runway is expected to be 3.2 kilometers long and the passenger terminal will have an area of ​​25 thousand square meters.

A few days ago, Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the works in the area where the airport is being built and stated that this project is of great importance for the economic development of Albania, especially for the southern region, and the infrastructure is developing at a rapid pace.

"Now we need to work day and night to ensure that the next summer season is included in the airport's activity and in the country's overall economic activity, and then surely many other positive things will come from the presence of the airport," said Rama.

According to Albanian authorities, the airport's publication phase according to international standards will be completed in April next year, under the supervision of the airport operator, which is Munich International Airport.

According to the assessment of environmental organizations, the Vjosa-Narte Protected Area is one of the most important ecosystems in Albania, the second most important wetland in Albania and home to rare species of animals and plants.

The area is a habitat for more than 220 bird species throughout the year and is of high importance even beyond the region in terms of the Adriatic migration corridor.

The Albanian environmental organizations "PPNEA" and "AOS", also supported by the European organization "EuroNatur", filed a lawsuit in November 2022 against several Albanian decision-making institutions in the Administrative Court against the irregularities and legal violations they claim in the government's project for the construction of the Vlora airport, and the legal process is under review.

According to organizations, the construction of the airport has raised concerns about habitat destruction, declining bird populations, and insufficient protection measures./ VOA

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