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Prokurorët federalë në SHBA udhëzohen të hetojnë përpjekjet për pengim të zbatimit të ligjeve të emigracionit

Prokurorët federalë në SHBA udhëzohen të hetojnë

Departamenti i Drejtësisë po udhëzon prokurorët federalë që të hetojnë mundësinë e ngritjes së akuzave penale ndaj zyrtarëve shtetërorë apo lokalë që pengojnë zbatimin e ligjeve të imigracionit gjatë administratës së Presidentit Trump, sipas një memorandumi për personelin të siguruar nga agjencia e lajmeve Associated Press të mërkurën.

The memorandum signed by acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove also instructs the Justice Department's civil division to work with a newly formed task force for cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants that aims to identify state and local laws and policies that "threaten to undermine" The Trump administration's efforts to enforce immigration laws and could challenge them in court.

The three-page memo signals an immediate shift in the priorities of Democrat Joe Biden's administration, instructing prosecutors to immediately implement the Trump administration's plans to crack down on illegal immigration, particularly illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds, transnational gangs and drug trafficking.

"Indeed, it is the responsibility of the Department of Justice to defend the Constitution, and accordingly, lawfully implement the policies the American people chose President Trump," said Bove, who before joining the current administration was part of the legal team that defended Trump in two criminal cases brought by the Justice Department.

Part of the Justice Department's responsibilities is to aggressively enforce laws passed by Congress and protect the president's actions on behalf of the United States against legal challenges. "Justice Department staff should gather in offices that taxpayers have funded to do this important job," Bove added.

The memo said federal prosecutors should "take all necessary steps to protect the public and secure the U.S. border by removing illegal immigrants from the country and prosecuting those who have committed crimes" under U.S. jurisdiction.

"Federal law prohibits state and local actors from resisting or obstructing efforts to enforce immigration laws," the memo said.

The Justice Department has also directed an FBI counter-terrorism task force to "help implement President Trump's immigration-related initiatives," though the memo does not explain what that work might involve.

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2025-02-15 13:01:41