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"5D Affair", Teliti: Hot potato that will burn Veliaj and his team!

"5D Affair", Teliti: Hot potato that will burn Veliaj and his team!

The Vice President of the Municipal Council, Dorjan Teliti, invited to Syri TV, commented this afternoon on the protests held at the Municipality of Tirana against Veliaj, after the scandal of the "5D" affair.

He said that "5D" is a hot potato that will burn Veliaj and the entire team involved in this affair.

Teliti:  The 5D affair of this structured financial criminal group is a hot potato in the hands of Erion Velia, which will politically burn not only him but his entire team who are involved in this criminal affair.

The mayor can refuse and behave as he has been doing until today, that instead of being transparent, he calls the government police soldiers to surround the municipality during official working hours, that instead of the municipality being open to the problems of citizens, instead of the town hall building being open for business, it is closed to citizens but open to clientelistic and corrupt affairs.

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