Flash News
Earthquake in Albania, here is where the epicenter was
Accident on the Levan-Tepelena highway, two people injured
Accident on the Durrës-Tirana highway, car ends up under the truck
Tirana Incinerator, GJKKO accepts Bllako's request for summary trial
The dates of the 2025 State Matura exams have been announced.
Meta denounces: The government uses 76 million euros from the pension scheme to pay off debts
The head of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, has denounced the Rama government for using the 76 million euros collected from the pension scheme to pay off the government's debts.
Through a post on social networks, Meta writes that this money will go back to PPPs.
" The 76 million euros collected from the pension scheme will be used to pay off the debts of the government, which is known to steal with phantom incinerators that don't exist, with collapsing highways like the one that blocked traffic between Korca and Erseka , with endless PPPs most of which are under investigation and with secret tenders.
Instead of this money, which has been collected by the pension scheme, being used to increase pensions and support pensioners to cover their most vital expenditure on food and medicine, it will go back to PPPs.
Only a Government irresponsible to the most suffering and vulnerable categories of society can use pension funds to pay off the debts of PPPs ," writes Meta on Facebook.