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Teliti denounces the opening of the prosecution procedures: the state budget, 'loot' in the pan of renaissance

Teliti denounces the opening of the prosecution procedures: the state budget,

The Coordinator for the Economic Program in DP, Dorjan Teliti, denounces the opening of the procurement procedures, in what he calls 'next year's electoral strips'.

Through a post on Facebook, Teliti says that these procurement procedures start at a time when the 2025 draft budget has neither been presented, nor discussed, nor approved by the Assembly of Albania.

According to Telit, for the Rilindash government, the state budget has been and remains simply a pawn to trade personal and political interests.



Imagine how nice it would be if they protected the state budget as they protect the personal interests of the "strategic MP".

Fact: The Renaissance Government did not limit itself this week to the violation of the Constitution to protect the mandate of the strategic deputy, it did not limit itself to the increase of 500 members of the power police, but to the violation of every sound principle of public financial management. gave the green light for the start of procurement procedures for hundreds of tenders and electoral ribbon cutting.

Scandal: The Budget Normative Act was approved and the order was given: "start urgently" tendering procedures for hundreds of projects next year, although the 2025 budget has not yet been approved, the funds have not yet been officially approved by Parliament, which is legally expected to happen in the first days of December this year.

In other words, although the draft budget 2025 has not yet been submitted, discussed and approved by the Assembly of Albania, this does not stop the government from deciding entirely with its own head about pre-electoral abuses and thefts, it does not stop the Rilindash in power from taking over at the expense of Albanians hundreds of millions of euros in liabilities without the approval of the legislators.

For the Rilindash government, the state budget has been and remains simply a pawn to trade personal and political interests.

Therefore, the only solution today is the technical government, Albanians want and deserve to be free in their decisions and elections, they want their taxes not to be stolen and wasted for the 12th year in a row.

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