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2010-2023, the share of salary expenses in the total budget decreased

2010-2023, the share of salary expenses in the total budget decreased

At the beginning of this year, the Government announced an ambitious plan to increase wages in the public sector, also as an incentive measure for the private sector, but real developments show that the weight of expenditure on wages with the total budget allocations has decreased in 12 years The last.

According to budget indicators, in the 7th month of 2012, the wage fund for the public sector was as much as 18.8% of the general budget expenditures, while in 2023 it was as much as 16.8% of the general budget expenditures (see the graph below).

Although in value, the salary fund has increased significantly in recent years, the rates were lower than the increase in total public expenditure. The data show a systematic decrease in the weight of salary expenses during the last decade.

The government presented on the eve of the local elections an ambitious plan to increase the salaries of budget employees, which started in April 2023 and will continue in the next two years, with the aim of doubling them by 2025.

The January-July budget bill for public sector salaries was about ALL 55 billion with an annual increase of 15%. The increase came mainly from the measures that were taken to double the salaries at the top levels of management, the President, deputies and ministers and a limited category of specialist doctors.

The state budget this year collected additional income of 12.1 billion ALL in 7 months, while the salary fund in the same period increased by 7 billion ALL.

More than a budget bill, the wage increase in the first year of the reform introduced by the government only increased inequality.

Workers in the country's basic services, teachers, doctors and nurses and police forces in the field received only a 7% salary increase, while high government positions, MPs, ministers and deputy ministers benefited from a salary increase of 50-98% according to the decisions the last with the wage reform that is being discussed in the Assembly.

Paga e Ministrave u rrit, pas zgjedhjeve vendore të prillit me 82%, duke shkuar në 310,250 lekë në muaj nga 174,760 lekë që është aktualisht. Rritje me mbi 72% shënoi edhe paga e kryeministrit dhe Kryetarit të Kuvendit, ndërsa paga më e lartë në vend, ajo e Presidentit, që është në krye të hierarkisë së pagave, arriti me 425.000 lekë nga 257, 000 lekë që është aktualisht me rritje 65%.

Por nga ana tjetër, trupa më e madhe e administratës përfitoi nga 1 prilli i këtij vetëm 7% rritje. Praktikisht, rritja reale e pagave të tyre është zero për qind pasi rritja është vetëm një indeksim me inflacionin i cili vitin e kaluar ishte 6.7%.

As the countries of the region continued the reforms of salary increases for ordinary employees this year as well, Albania is ranked as the country with the highest salaries of public officials and with the lowest salaries of personnel in basic public services, education, health and order./ Monitor

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