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Police agents infiltrated the protest, Kelliçi: The state is terrorizing young people

Police agents infiltrated the protest, Kelliçi: The state is terrorizing

The member of the Presidency of the DP, Belind Këllici, wrote in a post on Facebook that civilian police officers, masked with hoods and glasses, were ordered to infiltrate the protesters, to incite incidents and then accompany the protesters who were demanding Erion's resignation. Veliajt.

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Civilian police officers, masked with hoods and glasses, were ordered to infiltrate among the protesters, to incite incidents and then accompany the protesters demanding the resignation of Erion Veliaj. After being identified among the crowd in front of the City Hall, the masked agents did not spare the violent arrests of some of the protesters in the streets of Tirana.

The unprecedented case was recorded in the protest of citizens in front of the municipality of Tirana who demand the resignation of the mayor Erion Veliaj. The police officers were ordered to remove their police uniforms and then disguised themselves by wearing hoods and glasses, where they entered the protest to incite incidents. Masked agents were identified by the protesters and then expelled from the protest

But the masked agents, even though they were identified in the protest, continued their mission by following the protesters in the streets of Tirana. As they followed them, they then forcibly escorted them to the police station. The footage even shows the violence that masked civilian agents have used against the protesters in the streets of Tirana as soon as the latter have left the protest.

The masked agents, without any sign of identification, did not hesitate to even go to the headquarters of the Democratic Party, surrounding the building to arrest the protesters. The agents encountered resistance from the DP leaders and the citizens who were staying in the blue headquarters.

According to sources, the number of citizens escorted by the Tirana police is 10 people. Meanwhile, the police have not provided any information about the protesters who were arrested, or even raped during the arrest by infiltrated agents and without State Police identification marks.

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