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The execution of Entjan Nikulaj, the journalist warns: There will be other murders between Nikulaj and Lekstakaj

The execution of Entjan Nikulaj, the journalist warns: There will be other

Journalist Artan Hoxha was invited this afternoon to the show "Top Talk", where he talked about the latest criminal developments in the country.

He stopped at the murder that shocked Lezha on December 2, where the cousin of the late Ardian Nikulaj, Entjan Nikulaj, lost his life in an assassination attempt.

The journalist warned that the killings between the two tribes will continue, since the last two victims were innocent and the limit of revenge has already been crossed.

"It is said that the conflict started over 5,000 or 10,000 old lek. It is not, because it could not start a conflict in this way. It has exploded simply as a kind of indication to aggravate a conflict that started before. And then everything took a completely different course. The bad thing about this whole story between these two tribes, are many families involved, the fact that both sides complete the components to be rivals, or fierce and strong opponents with each other. Why? Because they have a large family base, that is, they have many members in their families. Secondly, they are families with great financial support, they have recognition inside and outside the country and, above all, they have had contacts both within the institutions and in politics. These political actors have made them face so harshly and not make any effort to end this event. There was an attempt in 1997 to reconcile them, but one member didn't want to, and when one doesn't want to, it's not worth doing. Then the events took place when one side was more financially motivated and had the support of the government of the time. On the other hand, the other side, at the moment when it found the right financial opportunities and the right criminal resources, led to the clash.

The last event on December 2nd is the most recent. There are 8 killed from both tribes so far. Ardian Nikulaj was killed, a lot of money was offered for him, but no one took him on at first. At the moment he was killed, we said that there would be developments. After Nikulaj, Nikolin Lekstakaj, who has no criminal charges, was killed. He was killed as a first cousin of those involved in the conflict. Then Entian Nikulaj was killed, also this first cousin. Within 7 months. The last two victims have no involvement in other events. They are completely innocent people. Especially with the last two events, the red line has been crossed. In a revenge there is a limit, who is involved in the revenge and so far. When innocents are started and killed, there is no limit. Entire families, women, children will be attacked...

The district of Lezha has become very problematic in the last 3 years. First, the area of ​​Fushë Kuqe located inside. Although it is a small county, it is not big. The situation cannot be resolved by the Lezha or State police alone. We had to avoid innocent victims, the last two are victims only of their last name. "- said Artan Hoxha.



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