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He was caught with money for exams, the prosecutor-pedagogue does not investigate the rector

He was caught with money for exams, the prosecutor-pedagogue does not

On June 21, in the show "Stop" on TV Klan, a case of corruption was broadcast in Shkodër. The rector of the "Luigj Gurakuqi" University, Suzana Golemi, and the pedagogue Donalda Laçej, of the medical biochemistry course for the 3 branches of midwifery, nursing and physiotherapy, took money from the students to pass the exams.

Out of 120 students, 110 of them failed the biochemistry course. Those who had economic opportunities, gave a minimum of 150 euros to take the exam. After our broadcast, the rector was suspended by the Ministry of Education and Suzana Golemi and Donalda Lacej were prosecuted for corruption and abuse of office.

After 6 months we learn that the case is still under investigation. But on the other hand, even though suspended and under investigation, Ms. Golemi continues to teach and take students to exams. We have learned that it is not only the academic senate, but also the prosecutor's office, that keeps the pedagogue in check.

The prosecution representative, Blerta Hamza, who is investigating this case, is an external lecturer at the university and the case should be investigated by SPAK.

Arben Llangozi: The prosecutor of the case is under conditions of conflict of interest in conflict with the duty. Referring to Article 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, this prosecutor was obliged to resign because she is employed or has been employed by this university. The prosecution is clearly favoring this high education official.

It is also the fact that the criminal offense for which she is being investigated is a criminal offense of corruption, of high state officials, which is supported by Article 75 a of the criminal procedure code, established as competent for the investigation of this case by Special Prosecutor's Office Against Corruption and Organized Crime. So, the Shkodra Prosecutor's Office is not competent to investigate this case, but the Special Prosecutor's Office in Tirana is/ tv Klan

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