Flash News


Caught with heroin and cocaine, two people are arrested in Tirana

Caught with heroin and cocaine, two people are arrested in Tirana

Tirana police have arrested two people for possession and sale of narcotics. A 42-year-old man with the initials BK and 36-year-old E.Gj provided narcotics such as heroin and cocaine and divided them into doses for sale in different areas.

Police notification: 

In implementation of the measures defined in the operational plan "Tempulli 2", it is finalized by the Police Station No. 4 and the Narcotics Investigation Section, the police operation codenamed "Flash", for cracking down on criminal activities in the field of narcotics. 

2 citizens are put in handcuffs.

Quantities of the narcotic substance heroin, divided into doses ready for sale, quantities of the narcotic substance cocaine, and sums of money, suspected to have been obtained from the sale of the narcotic substance, are seized.

Services of Police Station No. 4, and those of the Narcotics Investigation Section, in implementation of the measures defined in the operational plan "Tempulli 2", based on the information provided by the information intelligence, have organized and finalized the coded police operation "Flash".

As a result, citizens BK, 42 years old, and E. Gj., 36 years old, residents of Tirana, were arrested.

During the physical check of the citizen E. Gj., the Police services found and seized quantities of suspected narcotics cocaine and heroin, which he had bought from the citizen BK. Following the actions, during the search of the apartment of the citizen BK, the Police services found and seized quantities of the narcotic heroin, divided into doses ready for sale and a lot of money, suspected to have been obtained from the sale of the narcotic.

The investigative actions showed that the BK citizen, after providing the narcotic substance, divided it into doses which he then sold in different areas.     

 The procedural materials were passed to the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction in Tirana, for further actions.

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