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Handsome men have one big flaw

Handsome men have one big flaw

A team of scientists analyzed sperm taken from 50 students recruited from the University of Valencia.

The latest study has revealed the link between good looks and sperm quality - men with beautiful facial features, with masculine features have poorer quality sperm compared to other men.

"As far as we know, this is the first demonstration of this phenomenon," said study co-author Dr. Juka Kekalainen, from the Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology.

However, researchers have not been able to explain this finding, although previous research has shown that high testosterone levels can harm sperm production.

In that case, the results contradict the theory of fertility, which states that women seek out handsome men because their offspring could benefit from inherited genes in the form of better health and higher intelligence.

For the study, the team of scientists analyzed sperm taken from 50 students recruited from the University of Valencia. On that occasion, photographs of their faces were shown to other heterosexual men and women aged 20.

Women were required to rate men's photos as if they were looking for a potential long-term partner, while men were required to rate how they thought and evaluated women.

In addition to looking at men's faces and sperm quality, researchers also wanted to know if sperm quality is directly related to their appearance.

"I think we've found that sperm quality is linked to male beauty," Kekalainen said. But does this mean that women looking for partners capable of caring for children should avoid choosing handsome men?

Kekalainen says that additional research is needed to determine the causality and mechanisms of this finding before they can start giving advice to women.

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