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Elections in Hiramë, Berisha: Rights under occupation are never won by words, but by revolt

Elections in Hiramë, Berisha: Rights under occupation are never won by

Chief Democrat Sali Berisha reacted after the opposition candidate Petro Gjikuria lost the race in the partial elections of Himara. From the civic gathering, Berisha said that rights and freedom under occupation are never won with words, but with anger, unstoppable revolts and sacrifices.

Berisha : Dear friends, in every election, if we do not unite.
If we do not do what the nations do when the free vote is taken away, we hardly deserve it.
Every right taken requires sacrifice to be earned.
In a short period of time, within two months, two powerful inspiring examples thousands and thousands of kilometers from Tirana.
In Nairobi, young people and students brought their elected dictator to their knees just like Tirana's Maduro.
And today, Bangladeshi students in the most powerful demonstrations that can be held in one country, forced the corrupt autocratic prime minister to flee by plane from Dhaka after more than a month of protests. After the sublime sacrifices of dozens and dozens of young people. Eternal tribute to their memory.
Friends, rights, freedom under occupation are never won by words.
They are never won by speeches.
They are never earned in television studios.
They are never won except by anger, by unstoppable revolts, by sacrifices until victory.

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