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"A message for Borat and his own thief Lali!"

"A message for Borat and his own thief Lali!"

From Erion Dasho.

You, Borat, can imagine your hyenas in the profile of the leader of the opposition and other oppositionists!

You, Borat, and your gang of thieves can threaten or surround the house of the lawyer Kalaja!

But you will never be able to stop the punishment that awaits you!

Those prosecutors that you order today, tomorrow when they are free to do justice, they will make you pay up to one for every theft, theft and your crime against Albanians!

You are not soothed by Himara, you are terrified of Himara!

Because in order to win one of the smallest municipalities in the country (the third or fourth from the bottom), you used all the powers, imprisoned the elected mayor, gave land titles and construction permits, deprived the voters of legally and imported renaissance voters, and committed a thousand and one other electoral crimes.

You know very well that in 2025 there are no more electoral tricks and crimes that will save you!

Today you are terrified of the approaching day of reckoning!

Solidarity with Dr. Berisha, the only political leader in Europe under arrest, exclude the oppositions of Putin and Lulashenko! Doctor, the patronageists will not be able to deface the pages of the opposition on Facebook and other social networks.

Solidarity with lawyer Kalaja, one of the most principled defenders of social causes! Lali the thief of Borat, the destroyer of the Theater, not long. The day is coming when he and Borat will go to keep Beqe of the concessions company.

The time for punishment is fast approaching!

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