Flash News
Blockades are removed, all border crossing points with Serbia are opened
The minor girl disappears in Lushnje
Well-known boxer/ The owner of the 'Range Rover' vehicle that was shot in Shkodër is revealed
Shooting in Shkodër, a gun is fired at the Range Rover
He killed his father and threw him in the well, Esmerald Balla and his friend appear before the court
Salary increase for doctors, Vasili: They are being used for Rama's propaganda spots
" Great hypocrisy and unbridled cynicism, the use of doctors from Rama for propaganda" , this is how the vice-president of the Freedom Party, Petrit Vasili, said about the salary increase for doctors.
Vasili emphasizes that the government cheated with the promise of free healthcare and citizens are forced to pay to perform services in private hospitals, while the prime minister is using doctors for propaganda and is not allowing them to perform their duty according to the Hippocratic oath.
Sakaq emphasizes that the salary increase after 10 years by the government is propaganda to keep doctors in Albania so that they do not leave.
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Great hypocrisy and unbridled cynicism, the use of doctors from Rama for propaganda!
What about the free health that was promised, where is it?
This was the promise with which he deceived the Albanians and which was simply and only a lie of a prime minister, who sells everything for the chair. What about the tens and hundreds of millions of euros that the Albanians pay from their poor pockets for Covid, doesn't all the responsibility fall on this? How many times have doctors felt powerless to help patients and suggest treatments abroad because the conditions are lacking.
How many thousands of Albanians receive services in private clinics and hospitals because they cannot reach and find them in public structures and the numbers are as high as ever.
Po per qindra e mijra infermiere qe u larguan nga Shqiperia apo kane shkuar ne aktivitete private a nuk bie pergjesia mbi kete?
Po per pagen e mijra mjekeve te tjere te familjes, te pergjithshem ane e mbane vendit qe u rrit ne menyre qesharake a nuk bie pergjegjesia mbi kete?
Po mjeket perse i perdor ky per spotet e tija te propagandes, perse nuk i le te qete te bejne punen e tyre sipas betimit te Hipokratit dhe detyrimit qe kane perpara pacienteve e qytetareve.
The use of doctors is as painful as it is hypocritical, as contemptuous as it is cynical. The one who remembered to raise his salary after 10 years should be asked: After 10 years, have you asked how these doctors can manage for themselves and their families, while their concessions amount to hundreds of millions of euros. A lot of doctors have been used and distributed for propaganda since Covid, during electoral campaigns or whenever you are in trouble. The problem of protecting the workplace makes doctors become part of the spots of this prime minister, whose way of life and work has only blind and psychopathic revenge!
Doctors have taken the oath of Hippocrates and not to the hypocrite or Rama.