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Salianji: The return of Basha, for personal interests

Salianji: The return of Basha, for personal interests

The deputy of the Democratic Party, Ervin Salianji, declares that the return of the former leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, is only related to his personal interests.

Invited to the Panorama TV studio according to Salianji, Basha should leave and let the democrats unite.

The democratic deputy declared that his return is for occult agendas that want to harm the opposition.

"Deeply for personal interest. Logic tells me that it is to serve Edi Rama. To put another barrier to the union of the democrats. While today the democrats have been forced to sit down and cooperate with SP colleagues in the committees, today the MPs removed from the list do not sit down with each other. There is no inertia to help the democrats ", declared the DP deputy.


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