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Rënia e numrit të nxënësve dhe mbyllja e shkollave/ Ekspertja e arsimit për Politiko: Duhet ndërhyrje urgjente në politikat arsimore

Rënia e numrit të nxënësve dhe mbyllja e shkollave/

Rreth 238 mijë nxënës nisën sot vitin e ri shkollor. 28 mijë nxënës u ulën për herë të parë në bankat e shkollës, por shifra e fëmijëve që ndjekin arsimin publik 9-vjeçar mbetet në rënie.

20 mijë fëmijë më pak se viti i kaluar u regjistruan për këtë vit shkollor. Shifrat janë tkurrur nga viti në vit, gjë që ka çuar në mbylljen e disa shkollave në vend.

Education expert Ana Llazo, in an interview for Politiko , listed among the factors that have influenced the decline in the number of students in the country's schools, such as immigration or the drop in birth rates.

"The decline in the number of students in schools is a complex issue that includes several factors, such as socio-economic, demographic and educational policies.

Many Albanians are choosing to live abroad, leading to a significant decrease in the population, including students.

Demographic trends show a significant decrease in the number of births in recent years, which directly affects the number of children included in the education system ," Llazo told Politiko.

Asked where the government's policies have failed, Llazo says that the lack of infrastructure and the professional development of teachers have affected the motivation of students and parents to get an education.

"Politikat qeveritare në arsim edhe pse kanë pasur përmirësime në disa fusha mund të kenë çaluar në përpjekjet për tē përmirësuar cilësinë dhe tërheqjen e shkollave kryesisht në zonat rurale. Mungesa në infrastrukturë dhe në zhvillimin profesional të mësuesve mund të ketë ndikuar në motivimin e nxënësve dhe të prindërve për tu arsimuar", shtoi Ana Llazo.

As for the closing of schools in rural areas, Llazo tells Politiko that the situation requires a quick response for the revision of educational policies.

" The closure of schools in rural areas is an alarm bell that shows that the need for intervention to stop this phenomenon is imperative. The low number of students in these areas is closely related to immigration and urbanization causing a population gap and fewer children enroll in schools.This phenomenon may spread to smaller towns if measures are not taken.

If government policies do not address basic problems such as improving living conditions and creating jobs in rural areas, there is a risk that this phenomenon may spread to medium-sized or small cities as well. The decline in the number of students in cities would negatively affect the entire educational system, leading to the closure of schools even where the population is dense. In general, the situation requires a quick and coordinated response, including the revision of educational policies, the promotion of rural development and the improvement of general living conditions to prevent further deterioration of the situation ," said Llazo.

Përgatiti: Kristina Tepexhiku

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