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Gazment Bardhi's platform: The three steps for the reorganization of the Democratic Party

Gazment Bardhi's platform: The three steps for the reorganization of the

Gazment Bardhi gathered the parliamentary group today to discuss the political situation of the Democratic Party after the May 14 elections as well as the reorganization process.

Bardhi's group has come up with a stance and platform based on the situation in this political force.

One of the points of the platform emphasizes that it is urgent to immediately stop any attack, defamation or hate speech against any member of the party or anyone who thinks differently.

In the same way, the reorganization of the Democratic Party of Albania is required, with the aim of uniting the democrats, strengthening the party and building a modern, comprehensive party that creates trust among the majority of Albanian citizens, engaging and bringing together reputable individuals who serve the defense of public interest.

Another goal is to create a joint working group to follow and implement the reorganization process through three steps.


Analyzing with maximum responsibility the result of the elections of May 14 and the consequences that this result has brought for the future of Albania and the public interest;

Being aware of what Albanian citizens and members of the Democratic Party in particular expect from their representatives and the Democratic Party;

Being in front of a government that has undermined free and fair elections, through illegal methods, that can only be overcome through the engagement of the silent majority of Albanians who have lost faith in politics;

Following the same line of constructiveness, which is based only on the best interest of the Democratic Party and Albania, as was done with the positions of the Parliamentary Group on March 22, 2023, April 16, 2022, October 31, 2022 or March 6, 2023 ;

Remaining steadfast in the belief that the strategic partnership with the United States of America, Great Britain and the countries of the European Union is the only way to strengthen the Democratic Party;

Duke ripërsëritur apelin se lufta e brendshme në Partinë Demokratike dobëson opozitën dhe se situata kërkon që secili të tejkalojë interesin e vet ngushtësisht personal, për të ofruar dhe gjetur zgjidhje në interes të përbashkët të të gjithë opozitarëve dhe cdo qytetari të ndershëm që pret dhe kërkon ndryshimin në vend;


1. Ndasitë në mendime dhe qëndrime për çështje të ndryshme brenda Partisë Demokratike nuk duhet të shfokusojnë partinë nga misioni i saj për t’u bërë alternativë qeverisëse. Në këtë kuadër, është emergjente ndërprerja e menjëhershme e çdo sulmi, shpifje apo gjuhe urrejtje ndaj çdo anëtari të partisë apo cilido që mendon ndryshe.

2. Riorganizimi i Partisë Demokratike të Shqipërisë, me synim bashkimin e demokratëve, forcimin e partisë dhe ndërtimin e një partie moderne, gjithëpërfshirëse dhe që krijon besimin tek shumica e qytetarëve shqiptarë, duke angazhuar dhe afruar individë me reputacion dhe që i shërbejnë mbrojtjes së interesit publik.

3. Krijimin e një grupi pune përbashkues për ndjekjen dhe realizimin e procesit të riorganizimit, sipas një plani të qartë, transparent dhe gjithëpërfshirës, që ndjek këto hapa:

- Hapi i parë: Hapja e partisë dhe certifikimi i anëtarsisë aktuale;

- Hapi i dytë: Fillimi i procesit të zgjedhjeve në nivel seksioni, grupseksioni dhe dege;

- Hapi i tretë : Procesi i zgjedhjes së kryetarit të Partisë.

4. The Working Group, which also carries out the political direction, sets up working groups at the district level to launch a grassroots awareness campaign with the aim of uniting the democrats, as well as strengthening and organizing the party without any prejudice and avoiding any divisive circumstances or factors.

5. The Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party does not support any hasty, one-size-fits-all organizational process that promotes division and deepens divisions within the Democratic Party. The process should only aim at strengthening and eliminating destructive debates within the party. For this purpose, assistance, support and consultation with European People's Parties and sister parties should be attempted.


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