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The opposition's request for the meeting of the Municipal Council in Tirana is rejected

The opposition's request for the meeting of the Municipal Council in Tirana

The demands of the opposition for the urgent meeting of the Municipal Council of Tirana have been rejected. The head of the group of opposition advisers, Ilir Alimehmeti, said that this is a cover-up, while the directors were arrested for the robbery of public funds.

"We all stand together against corruption, we submitted the request with all the firms, there are 21 councilors who have signed, but the Municipal Council does not see it as an emergency, even though millions of euros have been stolen, even though we have arrested directors. We will continue to request a special session, while the majority refuses to be transparent about public funds" , Alimehmeti said.

Alimehmeti also said that we requested an external audit for finances

"The fact that they reject the external audit, they are afraid", Alimehmeti said.

While councilor Endrit Brahimllari said that corruption has gripped this institution since its foundation.

"There are 9 of his officials arrested, Erion Veliaj is directly involved. If we had an independent SPAK, the Tirana incinerator issue would have been resolved by now and those responsible would have been brought to justice. Also, the '5D' file, we are dealing with two issues that alienated the votes in Tirana ", said Brahimllari.


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