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The correct guide to treating high fever according to age

The correct guide to treating high fever according to age

A fever is one of the clearest indicators of a health problem. But that doesn't necessarily mean a fever is a bad thing.

In fact, temperature plays a key role in how the body fights a particular infection.

In the case of children, temperature can often alarm and worry parents.

How justified is this alarm? Find out in the following AgroWeb.org guide and learn how to cope with the temperature.

Temperature in children

Babies up to 3 months

If your baby has a temperature of 38 degrees or higher, go to the doctor. Consultation with a doctor is necessary even if the baby has no other symptoms.

Children from 3-6 months

If the temperature is up to 38.9 degrees, then try to let the child rest and give him fluids. At this point the child does not need medication, but if the child is irritable, lethargic or uncomfortable, then call the doctor.

If the temperature in this age group is higher than 38.9 degrees, then call the doctor immediately.

Children from 6 to 24 months

In these cases, you can give children fever medication, but be careful and stick to the recommended doses.

Do not give your child aspirin and call the doctor if the fever lasts more than 1 day.


Children up to 17 years old


If the temperature reaches 38.9 degrees, you can give your child a fever medication at the appropriate dosage.

If the fever lasts more than 3 days or if the child is irritable or lethargic, contact the doctor.

Temperature in adults

If an adult over the age of 18 has a temperature that reaches 38.9 degrees, then let them rest and drink plenty of fluids.

If the fever is accompanied by severe headaches, difficulty breathing, or unusual symptoms, then consult a doctor.

If the temperature rises above 38.9 degrees, then you can take a fever medication.

The medicine should be given in accordance with the recommended dosage and not combined with cough or cold medications.

If the temperature lasts more than three days and stays at 39.4 degrees, go to the doctor immediately.

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