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The 6 million euro affair, Berisha: The satellites were nothing but contracts for Rama's lobbying

The 6 million euro affair, Berisha: The satellites were nothing but contracts

The leader of the opposition, Sali Berisha, has brought back to attention the two satellites purchased by the Albanian government with a value of 6 million euros, which he has described as Rama's next affair.

According to Berisha, the satellites were nothing but contracts for lobbying of Edi Rama, to protect his position in power at all costs.

"My friends, his propaganda informed that Albania launched two satellites into orbit. Paid 6 million for two satellites. Niko Peleshi sat down and thought that now with satellites we will learn and be notified of every fire in Albania.

Where are the satellites, friends? Did you hear them talk about them this summer?

No and no! The satellites were nothing but lobbying contracts for Edi Rama, this bandit, this thief and criminal who spends tens and tens of millions to protect his crime power.

Edi Rama is today the only prime minister in Europe and the world who bought the 4 million euro instillation.

Dear friends, 4 million euros of instillation just to please his eyes is the most criminal, the most shameful expenditure of a ruler who has not even the slightest sense of respect left. Not even the smallest feeling of solidarity or compassion for the citizens of the country who suffer so much.

I can count a whole chain of thefts and abuses of this man who stands in power over crime. Which shames this country every hour, every day. Who deceives Albanians and who is ready to set fire to everything for his power of crime" , said Berisha.

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